Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Sutta Na Mila....

A smoker never really realizes what nicotine does to his head. There is empirical evidence that the chemical activates brain cells in some weird way, which makes the process of thinking quicker and more efficient. Sure I am not well versed with the technical terms involved.

Some people call all smokers idiots. “A fag is a fire at one end and an idiot at the other”. Not all smokers are idiots. The idiots are those who smoke to show off, to make parties and taverns more smoke filled and what not.

Day in and day out smokers are paying a heavy price for their addiction, in recent decades considered an affliction. But for the amount of excise duty shelled out by smokers, many Governments would go near bankrupt. I would question the actual spend of the Government on smoke related health hazards. It may be true in the USA or the EU. But in India, where is the money going? Then why does the Health Minister overdo the whole thing by proposing to print pics of mouth cancer patients on the pack? Does the Government really care about alternate nicotine sources or regulating the amount of nicotine and carcinogens that go into cigarettes?

Isn’t there one thing the society leaves unturned to deny liberty of choice? But isn’t this rebellious spirit of defying the society – to look contrarian to the stereotype good guy/girl – the real essence why people smoke?

I have been put under probation at home. No smoking! I have never heeded the call in 12 years. Today I am trying and the whole thing sucks to the marrow.

A man has nothing else to do in office except chewing gum and drinking coffee. The morning filter coffee at home seems hollow – the same drink that instills profound thoughts with a cigarette. I don’t understand how all those suckers remain non smokers.

It is not the time when you work when you feel the pinch to have a quick smoke. It is the temptation every time you turn your head, speak, have something to drink, pass a shop that sells cigarettes. The list above is not exhaustive. Of course I have omitted the toilet seat ritual every morning and evening – there is no joy in shitting anymore.


Anonymous said...

So, you quit?

vinod said...

nope! i tried, but i quit the quitting. life without a cigarette is very dull. what the ****!

Jay said...

It's not hard! Just quit cold turkey. That's what I did and have never looked back. It's all in the head. Do not let a cigarette control you. Please kick the habit, for you, your friends and your family.
Good luck,

Anonymous said...

Hey, how's your wife ? Baby out yet ?