Sunday, April 10, 2005

It rains on....

You, who drenched me,
In your pour of loveliness,
Every drop signing your
Sweet name on the hard
Wood of my heart, to leave
My soul carved in the intricate
Fashion thus. Making me
The delicate design of the
Simple maze, in its patterns,
In its beauty. Only to find it
Then, lost in every meaning,
Within itself, not unlike a calf
Lost in a herd, seeking the warm
Bosom. The sun is shone and
I am dry. Burning with the very
Desires that you synthesized, in
A concoction of my emotions.
What a cocktail you made, what
Colors I have seen, the rainbows
I have touched. The old seasons
Are here, a full circle they scribe.
It rains again and how…
I am born again and how…