Thursday, March 17, 2005

My Poetry

My Poetry

As I step out of my abode,
To my place of thinking,
A thought comes to me, like
A fresh breath through all the
Clouds of perception, those color
My vision of the world. I would
Write today, like a poet. I would
Create something, like a web of
Words, that would convey in
Subtlety, my mind’s thoughts.
I would create something, that
Would gush out like a spring,
From the dust of the desert and
Create the green of a meadow.
Like a solitary rose, that would sit
Proud on my love’s fragrant hair,
Like my words, proud on the intent.
Today, I will write, like a poet.

The Firefly

The Firefly

You are right there, glowing
And making merry, among
The bushes, with your green
Body, giving light, not to
Show us the path, but to etch
Your presence in the darkness.
That there can be such light,
Such brightness, in the gloom,
As you search for your worthy
Partner. You come near, search
For the light in me, which is
In you. Sitting on my arm,
As I glance at you in attuned
Attention, at the best that
I can be, the light I yearn for,
You go again, free as you were
Conceived, beautiful as you are
Now. Its enough for this lonely
Warrior just to be with you, as
Your light resonates in my being,
Good things happen to me,
Letting me come closer to you.



As I move closer, as I move away,
As I lay still, as I splash around,
Distance is always there, to be
Reckoned with. It feels like a
Point in space, at the mercy of
Every other point to decide its
Utility as itself in this universe.
Inconsequential in inherence,
Building around itself a web of
Importance, by program, by the
Properties it was bequeathed.
As it waves around in its quest
For consequence, it really feels
Like a very small point in space.