Friday, June 03, 2005


There were evenings when
I had the moon beside me.
My gazing eyes would be glazed
At its perfection. Raptures.
The Gods were dancing and
The clouds were musing.
The food would be an afterthought.
The mind would bring my soul’s food.
There was a starry lane where I would stop
Thinking. I would be consumed by a spirit
And yet consume would my own.
Thus would an evening end,
In spiritual ecstasy and
A heavy set feeling of responsibility.

My Smile

My mind is clouded,
Shrouded by its thoughts,
But you as a thought stand out
Like a beacon to this lost sailor.

I hear the world with its many voices,
But you drown out the crowd with your silent whisper.

I am touched by a thousand hands,
But you touch me as a tender memory.

I am rendered parched by solitude,
But you drench me like a rain bearing cloud.

I am helpless to my emotions,
And you come to me as my pacifying spirituality.

I am stuck with my theories,
And you come as the season’s first breeze.

I am tired of life,
And you occur to me as an unsaid prayer.

I see a thousand things,
And you come to me as a woman.

I say a million words,
And you come to me as my poetry.

My mind is clouded,
Shrouded by its thoughts,
And you come to me as my smile.