Thursday, August 02, 2007


Did I realize then
Such a one walked beside me
Smiling and loving.

Did I realize then
Such a one walked the earth
Smiling and loving.


Anonymous said...


How are you ?
Do keep in touch

Anonymous said...

We were close friends
I believed you were sent from above
I knew I could count on you
For anything I needed
And when I needed you most
you were always there
till the day I found love
And had to move away
But I knew you still cared
For we still can be friends
Even when we are distanced
I miss you my friend
And I know you still care
We are friends forever
You and I
Friends till the end
Till the day I die
I promise to never let you leave my heart
or become a faded memory
Because I know that deep down inside,
you will always be apart of me....
