Saturday, April 09, 2005

You smell divine

You smell divine, of a unique
Flower, of the colorful meadow,
Vivid from a distance. Like a
Far away illusion, yet distinct
To the passer by. Like the gentle
Touch of the sanguine grace of
The colorful butterfly, and yet,
Like the whirlwind that rises
From the breeze and weaves its
Magic. Unseating me from my
Diamond throne, as I close my
Gifted eyes, to give your airs
The attention of a moment, in an
Unwavering effort reserved for
Something this pure, which guides
My verses like the Maestro’s baton,
As I dance to the fragrant tune.
Like a balloon pricked by the rose’s
Thorn, wind out of me, as sudden
As the thunder that resounds of the
Meekness of Man before divinity.
The moment passes, the eyes open,
What beauty can surpass what the
Mind sees in you, divine fragrance.

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