Saturday, March 26, 2005

I have been here....

I have been here. The
River bed, sans water,
The sands, in their winding
Patterns, in the breezy
Dusk of a hot day. The
Twilight holding promise,
Of a night of rejoice and
Warmth. The returning birds
Calling out to their kin, in the
Joy of a day happily made.
I saw a sparrow, lone, flying
With pride, to its home, sure
Of its flight, of its path.
The place full of life, the birds
So full of energy. I return today,
To find the place devoid life,
In eerie silence, like the haunted
Old house, with odious pathos
In the air. Silence unbroken, the
Twilight too advanced, the birds
Gone, the sands dark and the
Foliage darker. The moon showing
In patches, the stars shying to come
In infinite mass. Did I find the place
In its transient form, in the moment of
Its dark, in the throes of its perilous
Solitude. In deep thought, as I
Reflect on the truth of the moment,
Life comes and goes, as does the
Twilight. Now it is dark, and I
Return, broken in spirit, shrouded
By the dark, a thorn pricking me,
Clad in Silence. I have been here.

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